Conference Talk

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing

Converge SE · Columbia, SC · April 2015
KEYNOTE CSSConf Oakland · Oakland, CA · December 2014
Front End Design Conf · St. Petersburg, FL · July 2014

Exploring impostor syndrome, the fine line between deceit and "fake it til you make it", and discovering ways we can be intentful about how we learn, challenge ourselves, and share our knowledge.

“Unequivocally my favourite session—an eloquent and raw talk that
spoke directly to the soul of everyone there.”


typography by Jillian Adel

We’ve all felt compelled to say, “oh but I’m so bad at this,” lest someone think we might have something valuable to say. We’ve all felt that surge of inspiration, followed by frustration, sometimes to the point of being unwilling to try again.

Why say you am not good at something? Doesn’t being challenged matter? Is being good at something the only measure of its worth?

In this talk I explore how we learn, the fine line between deceit and “fake it til you make it,” and discover some ways we can be intentful about how we learn, challenge ourselves, and share our knowledge.

Be Lucky — Set Goals — Work Joyously — Share your Doubts — Celebrate Your Wins — Help Others

typography by Jillian Adel


See what the internet had to say.

Why do we say “I’m not good at this” instead of “This challenges me”? @elyseholladay #ConvergeSE — Zoe Mickley Gillenwater

Beautiful & perfect way to end #cssconfoak, very well said @elyseholladay!! — Trish Ang